What a glorious weekend at the beach! We stayed in Oceanside at a friend's cabin, and enjoyed every kind of weather - sideways rain and spectacular sun.
The northern Oregon coast is a powerful and beautiful place. It was very nostalgic for me to visit some of the places I remember from this area: Netarts specifically. I spent a couple of summer weeks there as a boy... and Cape Lookout where I did Boy Scout camp and, as a freshman in high school - I rode my bike there from Portland (reach the Beach!) with the Grant High bike club.
I do think the salt and the spray and the whole environment was very healing for me. I napped every afternoon, and I poured through a wonderful novel (To Siberia by Per Petterson). My eyes are getting better, but they are still sore and stingy from the radiation...
... but the beach worked its magic, and I feel better for being there.