So sorry I missed a day altogether on the blog. Partially, that is because there was literally nothing to report. But in the spirit of "embrace the boring" that is something to write about right?
I spent day +9 all by myself. Julie stayed away because she is running a low fever and has a cough, and since my counts are all bottomed out - at the Nadir Point - where I am most susceptible.
So I spent the morning listening to the wonderful audio book version of: The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao (thank you Karen!) along with other distractions - like a nap in the stream of afternoon sun pouring in.
I noticed that my hair is starting to fall out in chunks. So it is probably time to order the shears and take it all off - less messy and kind of fun to do right?
So, hang in there - and count our blessings for whatever health and energy we are given each day!
Mark, to continue your orbit metaphor, if this is your "nadir", your orbit is now traversing to its perigee. When your approaching that arc I'd enjoy collaborating on Rob Mc's "social knowledge network" Web site idea and how an affiliation with OR-URISA could benefit our profession.
ReplyDeleteKeep the faith and stay strong.