We are doing well, getting used to our new routine of getting up by 6:15 AM and out the door by 7:30 for Mark's 8 AM radiology appointment. Mark has to put on a tight-fitting mesh mask which was made to fit his face, and the mask gets bolted down to the table he lies on, in order to keep his head perfectly still and to show the technicians exactly where on the mask to aim the x-ray beam. It's a little creepy, but the treatment just takes a few minutes.
I was glad to go back into the treatment room with Mark one day to see the setup and ask some questions, and yesterday we met with the doctor and got some further assurances about their quality control procedures (especially on our mind after the recent articles in the NY Times). Mark has had some headaches/achey eyes, but is mostly feeling fine. It's somewhat dispiriting to have 4 weeks of these treatments stretching ahead, but we are enjoying thinking about a weekend get-away trip or two - perhaps to Skamania Lodge and/or a train trip to Seattle.
We've also decided to hit as many eastside coffee shops as possible after the 8 AM treatments, whenever Mark doesn't have a 9 AM meeting to get to at work. (Yes, he's still working practically full time.) We'll see how many good coffee spots we can find and how many scones we can eat within a 5 mile radius of the radiation location (Kaiser on NE Interstate). So far we've been to the Bakery Bar (the one on SE Water Ave. and the one on NE Glisan) and the Blend Coffee Lounge on NE Killingsworth. Suggestions are welcome!
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