Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day +2: New moon

Fatigue and nausea have arrived as predicted, but according to the Astrologists, this is an auspicious week for new beginnings...

Sandra's Celestial Compass for the week of April 12, 2010

By: Sandra Helton, Ph.D

There is growth and powerful energy building from this weeks New Moon point until the Full Moon in Scorpio April 28. As the first New Moon in the first sign of the cycle it carries a special and empowering vibration.

Monday – April 12, 2010

The Moon in Aries beginning 9:31 AM generates a long term vibration of opening doors and opportunities.

Tuesday – April 13, 2010

Ideally this is a day to plan for the next two week cycle of growth that will move quickly and build momentum at a rapid pace.

Wednesday – April 14, 2010

Today holds the first New Moon in Aries that initiates the impulse to take a leap of faith into the future. All acts requiring independence, leadership, taking steps uncharted, beginning something new, are favored from now until April 28.

1 comment:

  1. Julie and Mark -- Well, Day +2 is terrific progress -- so you've made it this far with flying colors. It's been wonderful staying in touch via the blog, and to read your updates, inspirations, and distractions. You have a wonderful support group there in Portland -- and you know we're all around throughout the country, sending healing thoughts and love telephathically (and occasionally also through this other method -- which seems equally hard to believe, but may be more reliable). By the way, Mark, I'm reading Out Stealing Horses now, and our book group is then reading To Siberia -- on your recommendation! Love, Patti
